Is oral sex okay if you are the only one giving it? If you are told "I don't do that" or "I'm not good at it "is that okay? When should you bring that into your relationship the first date, six months, how long before you offer? Does that make you a freak? If a man/women does this on the first date is that ok? Would you prefer to only have oral sex and nothing else? If the oral sex is bad are you suppose to help the person do it to your liking or decline every time? Should oral sex happen before, after or doing sex? Is oral sex a deal breaker?
What do you like ?
Friday, September 28, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Word of the Day
Passionate, enthusiastic and loyal
The ardent fan went from concert to concert as the band toured the country.
Word Usage Tip:
The ardent supporter of the campaign donated hours of her time and money.
Ardent literally means burning and hot. It is used figuratively to convey a burning passion, enthusiasm or loyalty.
THINK... how can you use ardent in a conversation today?
DEFINITION:adjective/ Hasty
"I assure you," said the Ambassador, "I am all too aware of the dangers inherent in a festinate decision."
Learn Something New!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
When is it okay to hire your family? Many times people will hire their loved ones to do work for them or even work with them. Is that a good idea? Do you expect the family member to go above and beyond because you are related? Do you put them at a much higher level of responsibility because of the relationship? How much should you pay them? More than the other employees because your related? If given the opportunity to refer them for a job do you let the hiring person know this is your family? Is it best to leave that out of the conversation so if they don’t work out it’s not a reflection of you? Wanting your family to be successful but letting your career or business suffer as a result is it worth it? How do you decide?
Monday, September 24, 2012
Is it ok to date your friends ex ?
Is it ever ok to date someone your friends dated? If you meet a man/women out in the streets whether it's at the store, bar, or club and you realize after the initial conversation and name exchange that he/she dated your friend what should you do? Is the deciding factor how long ago they dated? What if they only had sex once or twice or not at all? Should you have to call your friend and get the ok from him/ her? If your friend says they have an issue with it are you obligated not to date the person? There are many questions to be asked on this topic. How would you decide? What would you do?
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Do Americans Earn Enough?
If you go to work everyday the belief is that you want to be able to take care of your family on the wages you earn. For many Americans that is something they can only wish and pray for. According to U.S statistics only about 5.2% are making less so why are we still such an impoverished people? In 2011, 73.9 million American workers age 16 and over were paid at hourly rates, representing 59.1 percent of all wage and salary workers. Among those paid by the hour, 1.7 million earned exactly the prevailing Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 2.2 million had wages below the minimum. Together, these 3.8 million workers with wages at or below the Federal minimum made up 5.2 percent of all hourly-paid workers. These numbers are encompassing all Americans but I wanted to know specifically where African Americans fell amongst others. The following are some highlights from the 2011 data. About 5 percent of White hourly-paid workers earned the Federal minimum wage or less, compared with about 6 percent of Blacks and about 3 percent of Asians. Among hourly-paid workers of Hispanic ethnicity, about 5 percent earned the minimum wage or less. So if blacks only make up 6 percent of people earning less than minimum wage or just at that amount what are the rest of you doing? If you woke up today and are headed to work make it count. It seems we are on the right track. Given this data African American incomes are high and we should be on the road to success.
For more information on this topic :
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Word of the Day
1 :color, tint
2 :a characteristic quality : case
: a slight admixture : trace
3 : a solution of a medicinal substance in an alcoholic solvent
The herbalist offered to mix up a tincture that would cure Katie's headaches.
"A popular home-remedy suggestion making the rounds in Amish circles says a tincture of black walnut extract will cure what ails you, dentally speaking." — From an article by Tom Knapp in Intelligencer Journal/New Era (Lancaster, Pennsylvania), August 13, 2012
Learn Something New!
1 :color, tint
2 :a characteristic quality : case
: a slight admixture : trace
3 : a solution of a medicinal substance in an alcoholic solvent
The herbalist offered to mix up a tincture that would cure Katie's headaches.
"A popular home-remedy suggestion making the rounds in Amish circles says a tincture of black walnut extract will cure what ails you, dentally speaking." — From an article by Tom Knapp in Intelligencer Journal/New Era (Lancaster, Pennsylvania), August 13, 2012
Learn Something New!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Playing Second Fiddle
Now why is at that women and men are willing to play second to keep someone in their life? What can make a person's self esteem so low that they are willing to settle? Most believe they will have the power to persuade the person to leave there current mate. But until that happens they are content with the little they get or small moments of attention. Most will say the sex is great, they give me money or I know he or she really loves me to keep them there. You have to make yourself a priority not someone's second choice or option. Small food for thought I don't have all the answers or no the only way but just like to share my view.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
When is it okay to stop using a condom in relationships? If you have been seeing the same guy/girl for over a year can you stop? Once you establish that you both love each other can you stop then? Do you really know about the person's health or do you care? Have you considered the risks that come with not using one? Do you just say oh well because you trust them? Aids, herpes and babies are not determined by love but by negligence. Who is to blame? If you had learned more at home or in school about your worth or sex education would you make better decisions? People be smart you have to be more careful! The plastic that lies between you and him shouldn't make or break the relationship. We make far too many decisions based on sex alone. Men sometimes determine if they will stay in a relationship because the sex is good or if they will marry a women because she gives great head and vice versa for women. Never once saying lets go to the doctor so you both don't end up dead or sick with the "hot shit " in bed. I know that people are not perfect and we make mistakes. Make better choices and don't let one mistake be your demise.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
IMPERVIOUS (im-PUR-vee-uhs)
Impenetrable, not permitting penetration or passage; figuratively, incapable of being influenced, persuaded or affected
The water proof coat is impervious to the rain.
I tried to persuade him for hours but he was impervious to reason.
Here are a few more usage examples:
My reckless 4 year old is impervious to fear
The swat van was impervious to the bullets of the criminals.
THINK... how can you use impervious in a conversation today?
Learn something new!!!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Trayvon Martin Dont Forget
So did everyone forget about Trayvon Martin? Well I didn't and neither should you. Less than six months ago a young man tragically lost his life and this should not be forgotten. Don't sweep his memory under a rug young men are dying everyday for countless and since less reasons this must stop. These young men leave behind moms, dads and even kids who will be left without there loved one. I looked for some kind of news update or even march regarding the topic and came up blank. People let your voice be heard. If someone who you love has lost there life due to violence speak out for justice.
Urban Juice Junkie
Urban Juice Junkie
Friday, September 7, 2012
Cleveland's own MJtheDJ Interview
![]() |
The 5th Quarter Mixtape Release September 16, 2012
I recently sat down with
one of the hottest new DJs in the city MJTHEDJ. He is taking the Cleveland club
scene by storm. His raw mix talent and
crazy energy he is definitely one to watch and follow. MJ has been DJ’ing since 2010. MJ grew up in the St. Clair neighborhood and
attended local public schools. During
MJ's childhood he was bounced around 16 foster homes. He finally got
a family to call his own when he was adopted at 14. He went off to college in
Ohio for a short time before transferring to Kentucky where he earned an
Associates Degree in Science. While in college he was given the name
"Muzikal Jeanius" eventually shortened to “MJ”. MJ is not only a DJ he is a drummer, writes music,
and plays the keyboard and trumpet. While DJing wasn't his first passion it
paid the bills. He has dreams of being a
producer. In less than a year MJTHEDJ
has taken the party scene to a whole new level.
I met up with MJTHEDJ at Panini’s on Coventry and I asked him some tough
questions about love, life and music.
UJJ: What makes you a great DJ?
MJ: I have a
sick crazy energy I hang off stuff, I dance I give the crowd all of me every
time no half stepping.
UJJ: What was your biggest break so far for
MJ: Just recently I was able to be the DJ for Black
Cobain who was on tour with Meek Mills. The opportunity put me in position to
be asked by Black Cobain to be his DJ. I gained 200 new twitter followers it
was dope.
UJJ: What's
your age and real name?
MJ: I'm in my 20's and I only tell my name to the people
I trust my last name is Booker-Dye
UJJ: Who is your favorite DJ?
MJ: DJ MOBEATZ a real good dude and close friend he has
taught me a lot and I have a great respect for him. As well as DJ Drama being the one who really
put DJ's on the map and took the mix tape game to a whole new level.
UJJ: Do you have a special love interest or are you
seeing anyone?
MJ: No I am single but I want to have a
girl. I will admit I have trust issues when it comes to relationships but I
want someone to share my life with. Not just someone who wants to be with me
because of the new attention i get someone who likes me for me.
Do you have kids?
MJ: As for kids I want to wait until I'm
married I don't just want a "Baby Momma" nothing against those who do
since I was adopted its really important for me to take it serious.
UJJ: What club scene do you prefer to work?
MJ: Although, I love the urban club scene I would say
downtowns club scene is where I can play the top 40 hits and mix something like
Adele & 2Chains songs and the sound is nuts.
UJJ: How does it feel to be nominated as Ohio Hottest New
DJ at this years Ohio Hip Hop Awards?
MJ: To be nominated is an honor. I wanted
to be up for this award last year but wasn't given a nomination. So the idea
that my hard work is paying off and I'm being noticed as the best is amazing.
UJJ: What are some of the big things that we can
expect from you in the near future?
MJ: I have my first mix tape being
released Sept 16 Titled "The Fifth Quarter" I'm so excited
which will be co-hosted by Ted Ginn Jr. Who
also runs my management team Crew Camp Management . Most DJ's don't release a
mix tape this early in their career so that makes it that much better. While
most new DJ's first mix tape are not this highly anticipated. When I put the
word out I got so many entries from local talent wanting to be a part of it. I
will be doing real mixing and live scratching on the cd. I just finished the
intro last night.
UJJ: How have you been received by your friends
and family regarding your career?
MJ: The people who have always supported MJ do
still love and support me and everyone else I can't worry about.
MJ has such great energy
and a nice smile. When he is not dj’ing he refers to himself as a
"dork" or just a normal guy. MJ is an all around cool guy who
is taking his love for music and making it his career. So make sure you go to Ohio Hip Hop awards and
vote for him daily at Also look out for
the hot new mix tape "The Fifth Quarter" release date September
16, 2012.
For all access to MJTHEDJ
you can follow him on Instagram at @ _mjthedj and twitter @_mjthedj.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Barack Obama \ba-rack\o-ba-ma\, noun
Meaning: the president, a leader, great power & focus for the people with an unwillingness to quit.
Origin : Barack is an African term meaning blessed also a form of the Hebrew name Baruch. Obama is a name from the Luo ethnic group of southern Kenya.
cacology \ ka-KOL-uh-jee \ , noun;
1.Defectively produced speech; socially unacceptable diction.
As to prose, I don't know Addison's from Johnson's; but I will try to mend my cacology.
(- Lord Byron, The Works and Letters of Lord Byron)
Such cacology drives some people to distraction.
(-- Linton Weeks, "R Grammar Gaffes Ruining the Language? Maybe Not", NPR)
Origin:Cacology comes from the root caco- meaning "bad." This prefix occurs in loanwords from Greek. Similarly the suffix -logy is a combining form used in the names of sciences and bodies of knowledge.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Democratic Convention
Today is the start if the Democratic Convention and while I'm sure for some the next three days will make no difference for you either way these times are important. Every night there is a keynote speaker who will be speak of the progress, the new changes and the need for the Obama Office to re-elected. Now don't just vote for him because he is black make an educated decision to vote for him based on his views and policies and ideas that appeal to you. The next two months their will be debates, town halls , and interviews good and bad for both parties trying to earn your vote "Pay Attention!" On Thursday the same night the president speaks the VMA's will be on hosted by Kevin Hart this will be on again as a repeat heck you can even record it so don't fall for it. The last time the VMA's was hosted by a black man was by P.Diddy in 2005. We all no Kevin Hart is funny but the Democratic Convention is more important.
Urban Juice Junkie
Urban Juice Junkie
Monday, September 3, 2012
Often in relationships we don't know when to fall back and just take it easy. We easily push our mates or love interest away by just being to damn insecure. It's okay to want to spend time with them and give them affection but not when it causes tension or irritation from other party. Men you don't have to mark your territory when your with your lady by holding her hand or resting your arm on her chair. Trust if you came with her everyone one saw you relax. While ladies you don't have to turn your nose up at every women who walks bye because you think they all want him take it as a plus you have a man worth looking at. Men don't dish out more than you can take. If you stay out late with no questions asked be okay when your mate stays out late with her girls too. Whats good for one should be good for both. That excuse about you being a man or from the streets is old news let it go. Learn how to trust your mate don't make them not want to be honest or forced to tell a lie because you always have something to say. Every situation should not turn into a fight this could find you frustrated and alone.
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