Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Word of The Day


Extemporaneous [ex·tem·po·ra·ne·ous] adj. 1. Unrehearsed. Done or said without advance preparation or thought; impromptu. 2. Prepared in advance but delivered without notes or text: “An extemporaneous speech.

Learn something new!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Dating Your Friends Date

I'm sure at some point most of us have seen a man/women that one of are friends have dated and thought the person was attractive. Maybe even thought you could see yourself with the person instead of with them. Is it really okay to date your friends old dates? How do you determine when this is acceptable? Could you base your desicision on how long they may have talked or dated? If they ever had any sexual interaction? Should you go back to your friend and ask permission? Would this make you mad? Let me know what you think.

Don't just think about it blog about it!!!


Thursday, May 2, 2013

When You Know Better You Do Better.

Often times men/women find ourselves in relationships that we know we need to let go. We look for reasons to stay when all signs point to the exit. Women often stay with a man for kids, money, shelter and even sex just to feel like a part of something knowing that it would be better to just walk away. Why do we stay? Lack of planning ? Not wanting to grow-up? or fear of being alone? Sometimes the reason is simply facing the facts that the relationship is over. Knowing when to walk away is a skill that not all of us do well. There is a song that goes" You have to know hold then, know when to fold them, know when to walk away" which has so much meaning and truth to it. Make the days you spend with your loved ones count. If its not working have the conversation, put it on the table, and express your feelings. You will feel better later!

Urban Juice Junkie