Monday, November 26, 2012


The desire to want to live together in a relationship often comes to soon. Given the current cost of living and the state of the economy people are moving in together faster then expected. But when is truly the right time to move in with your mate? Is there a time limit on how long you should have known the person? If you have children do their ages matter? Does it matter if they are boys or girls? Can you really say you know someone if you have never lived with them? I can say that living with your mate is a true test of what the future holds. Before the bags are packed and the keys are shared set some ground rules. If you are not comfortable with sharing or having boundaries set, then make sure you are ready for the possible outcome. Don't let splitting the bills be your deciding factor.

1 comment:

  1. Good post. I know that I moved in with my now husband probably like 6 months into the relationship, but at that time, we were more into a "roomate" situation. Some may not agree, but I feel like it was TOTALLY necessary for us to live together in order for us to see if we could truly co-exist. However, that may not work for everyone. I think it's just a personal preference.
