Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Dating and Religion

In many cultures religion is the determining factor for who you will marry, who you are allowed to date or if you can even consider this person as your mate. In the black community these factors as they relate to religion seems to be non existent. Can you recall a time when you asked your date about there religion? For many culture this could be the first and sometimes only question before moving forward. Within the black community many of the questions we pose are insignificant and hold no merit. These questions range from asking about his/her income to questioning him/her about past relationships. Why are we so focused on matters of nothing? Are these the reasons our relationships fail because the ground they are built on have no concrete just quick sand? Im sure many of my readers as well as myself were brought up in the church every Sunday with our grandparents. Did we not pay attention or are we just not willing to remember the values and moral teachings that were taught to us? They say when you know better you do better. Ask the question do you pray? Are you a man of God? The answer may surprise you and he may forever respect you. Remember there is no such thing as a dumb question except for the ones you don't ask!

Start the Conversation!!!

Urban Juice Junkie

1 comment:

  1. Ummm… Just because there’s a plethora of women does not mean they are all good. Most women in search of a quote un-quote good man fuel the reason some guys are the way they are. Step one ladies if you seek a good man first be a good woman and do not settle for anything less! Step two stop looking for a good man let them find you. Step tree allow a man to be a man. If you are dating a man that did not make the first move you have set yourself up, patients. Any man that really wants to talk to a woman will make the first move “no matter what.” Lastly to get a good man stop thinking like one it’s not cute, always be and think like a lady!
